The Psychology of Maintaining an Organized Life

Spring cleaning often reminds us of the challenge in staying on top of everything and maintaining an organized life. The struggle is real. Clutter creates chaos within your environment and life.

Naturally, the first step to maintaining organization is to stop procrastinating. There are some strategies you can use to push through and succeed in leading a more organized life.

Strategies for staying organized

Maintaining an organized life is about consistent mental and physical housekeeping. Of course, it’s more than just organizing your day – an organized lifestyle also involves managing your time, organizing your environment, and setting goals and routines. These habits help you exert some control over your life and keep stress in check, which is necessary for overall wellbeing.

The truth is, we feel better when our lives are in order. Researchers found that people who maintain clean homes are healthier than those with untidy homes. Life is simpler with some predictability and there’s a time and place for everything, once you create it. The trick is to maintain it, which you can do with these tips:

Keep up with routine habits

Establish daily routines with simple tasks like making your bed every morning and clearing your inbox when you get to work. One research survey noted that respondents who make their bed daily are 19 percent more likely to report sleeping better every night. In addition to better sleep quality, you’ll get a productive start to the day by accomplishing small tasks from the time you wake up. Keeping up with routine habits each day helps you stay organized and make steady progress without tasks adding up to distract and weigh you down.

Declutter your space regularly

Oftentimes, we use our homes as a storage space rather than a living space. Chances are, if you haven’t touched or used something in a year – then you don’t need it. Consider discarding or donating things to declutter your space by going through your belongings and only keep what you consistently use or need. Keep a donation box and add items to it monthly. After three months, bring the box to your local donation center. This allows you to be more efficient and achieve closure by getting rid of unnecessary things occupying precious space. Plus, you can feel good about your items going to someone who can use them.

Set monthly goals

Part of maintaining an organized lifestyle is setting short-term goals. Some examples include doing volunteer work once a month, or saving money each month for vacation. Review personal goals often to keep track of your progress, as this will impact your success in achieving them. Setting aside time to make clear plans and pursue goals keeps you organized. Taking small steps will lead to positive results over time and give you a sense of satisfaction.

You’ll gain peace and clarity from an organized lifestyle, which ultimately improves health and wellness.

You can keep the momentum by decluttering your digital space with Mailstrom and Chuck today!