How to Stop Unwanted Emails: 15 Helpful Tips

Every day, a staggering 347 billion emails flood cyberspace, vying for attention in our inboxes. Of course, amidst this digital deluge, not all emails are interesting or welcome guests. If you find your inbox drowning in a sea of unwanted messages, fear not!

In this blog post, your expert team at Mailstrom will share 15 practical tips on how to stop unwanted emails. We'll also highlight how you can take bulk actions to remove existing unwanted emails in your inboxes and more with our technology.

If you are sick of receiving junk emails day after day, then keep reading to learn how to create an organized inbox that streamlines your work. Let's get started.

1. Enable Spam Filters

In the digital realm, spam filters serve as the first line of defense against the deluge of unwanted emails. Understanding how these filters operate is crucial. They analyze incoming emails, flagging those with suspicious characteristics such as:

  • Unusual sender patterns
  • Excessive capitalization
  • The presence of known spam keywords

Activating your spam filter is a straightforward process. Simply navigate to your email settings and locate the spam filter option. Most email providers offer this feature, allowing you to toggle it on or off. Ensure it's activated to commence the automated filtration process.

Customization is key here. Explore filter settings to tailor the sensitivity to your preferences. While a higher setting may catch more potential spam, it could lead to false positives, so finding the right balance is essential.

2. Unsubscribe Wisely

Unsubscribe links can be your allies if used wisely. When encountering these links in your emails, carefully evaluate their legitimacy. Legitimate sources provide a straightforward and hassle-free unsubscribe process, often requiring only a few clicks.

Be sure to exercise caution and discernment when dealing with unsubscribe links in suspicious emails. Be wary, as these could be phishing attempts. Ensure you recognize the sender before proceeding.

Mastering the art of unsubscribing allows you to regain control over your inbox. Another effective strategy is to assess the frequency of emails from a particular sender. If their messages consistently flood your inbox with irrelevant content, it might be time to part ways.

Moreover, pay attention to your own habits. If you routinely ignore emails from a specific source, it's a clear sign that their content is not adding value to your inbox. Unsubscribing from such sources frees up space for more meaningful communications.

Additionally, some email providers offer tools to help you manage your subscriptions more effectively. Explore features like folder organization or tagging to categorize and prioritize your emails. This way, you can maintain a well-organized inbox that reflects your priorities.

3. Create Filter Rules

Creating filter rules is a proactive step toward decluttering your inbox and prioritizing important messages. When setting up filter rules, begin by identifying criteria that matter to you. Whether it's specific senders, keywords, or types of content, having a clear framework enhances the effectiveness of your filters.

Most email providers offer user-friendly interfaces for creating filter rules. Navigate to your email settings, locate the filters or rules section, and follow the prompts to add your customized filters. This might include directing emails from certain addresses to specific folders or marking them for easy identification.

Regularly review and update your filter rules to adapt to evolving needs. As your communication patterns change, so should your filters. This ensures that your inbox remains finely tuned to your preferences and priorities.

Ultimately, creating filter rules empowers you to take control of your email flow, ensuring that important messages stand out while less relevant ones find their designated spaces.

4. Use a Secondary Email

Adopting a secondary email could also be a strategic move to keep your primary inbox clutter-free. Essentially, establishing a secondary email serves as a dedicated space for non-essential communication.

You can use this inbox for newsletters, subscriptions, and promotional content. By doing so, your primary email remains reserved for crucial messages, ensuring they don't get buried in the noise.

Simply choose an email provider that aligns with your needs for a secondary inbox. Many platforms offer free and easy-to-set-up email accounts. Keep the credentials secure, treating it as an auxiliary tool to complement your primary communication channel.

Regularly check and declutter your secondary inbox. For example, unsubscribe from newsletters or promotions that no longer interest you. This proactive maintenance guarantees that even your secondary email stays organized and relevant.

By leveraging a secondary email, you create a clear boundary between essential and non-essential communication. This simple yet effective strategy enhances your overall email experience.

Another helpful tip to prevent spam emails and maintain online safety is to exercise caution when confronted with unfamiliar links. As a rule, be discerning about the links you encounter in emails, especially if the sender is unknown.

Malicious links often disguise themselves in seemingly harmless emails. Avoid clicking on any links or downloading attachments unless you can verify the sender's legitimacy.

Scrutinize the email content for red flags. Spelling errors, generic greetings, or urgent requests for personal information are common indicators of phishing attempts. If something feels off, refrain from interacting with any embedded links.

When in doubt, verify the sender's identity through a separate communication channel. Reach out directly to the supposed sender via a known email address or other established means to confirm the legitimacy of the received message.

By cultivating a habit of avoiding unfamiliar links, you fortify your online defenses and protect your sensitive information from potential threats.

6. Regularly Update Your Email Password

Ensuring the security of your email account involves the regular updating of your password. It's beneficial to initiate password updates at regular intervals, such as every few months. This proactive approach reduces the risk of unauthorized access and enhances the overall security of your account.

It's important to craft a strong and unique password, so avoid easily guessable combinations like birthdays or common words. Opt for a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. The complexity of your password is a key deterrent to potential breaches.

You can utilize a password manager to generate and store robust passwords securely. These tools streamline the process of managing multiple passwords and assist in creating intricate combinations that are challenging to crack.

Another tip is to implement two-factor authentication (2FA) for an added layer of security. This supplementary step ensures that even if your password is compromised, unauthorized access remains thwarted.

7. Report Spam

Proactively reporting spam contributes to a safer online environment. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with your email platform's "Report Spam" feature. This tool allows you to flag and report suspicious or unwanted emails, aiding in the ongoing improvement of spam filters.

Always exercise discretion when categorizing emails as spam. Reserve this action for emails that genuinely fit the criteria of unsolicited, irrelevant, or potentially harmful content. This helps maintain the accuracy and effectiveness of the spam reporting system.

Also, be vigilant in reporting phishing attempts. If an email appears to be a scam, with requests for sensitive information or deceptive links, use the reporting feature promptly. This not only protects you but also contributes to the collective effort in combating online threats.

Regularly review your spam folder for any misplaced emails. Some legitimate messages may be wrongly categorized. Mark these as "Not Spam" to refine the filter's accuracy.

The bottom line is that by actively reporting spam, you play a vital role in strengthening the email security ecosystem.

8. Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi

Maintaining caution when using public Wi-Fi is paramount for securing your online activities. It's generally recommended to prioritize the use of virtual private networks (VPNs) when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks. VPNs encrypt your internet connection, adding a layer of security and protecting your data from potential snoopers on the same network.

Always avoid accessing sensitive information when connected to public Wi-Fi. Refrain from logging into financial accounts, accessing confidential emails, or conducting any transactions that involve personal data.

If you are using public Wi-Fi, it's essential that you verify the legitimacy of the network before connecting. Use official or recommended networks whenever possible, and avoid connecting to unsecured or suspicious networks that could be set up for malicious purposes.

Turn off sharing and enable your device's firewall when connected to public Wi-Fi. These steps add an extra layer of protection, limiting potential vulnerabilities and unauthorized access. By exercising caution and implementing these measures, you significantly reduce the risk associated with using public Wi-Fi.

9. Opt for Double Opt-In

Choosing double opt-in processes adds an extra layer of assurance to your email subscriptions. When subscribing to newsletters or services, actively seek those that implement a double opt-in process. This ensures that your decision to receive communications is confirmed through a secondary step, reducing the likelihood of unintended subscriptions.

Check your email for the verification message after signing up. This message typically contains a link or confirmation button. Clicking or activating this link finalizes your subscription, confirming your genuine interest.

Be wary of services that solely use single opt-in processes. While convenient, they may increase the chances of receiving unsolicited emails or falling victim to subscription scams. Double opt-in provides an added barrier against such practices.

Again, regularly review your subscriptions and consider reconfirming your interest in services that implement double opt-in. This proactive approach helps maintain a clean and relevant inbox.

10. Regularly Clean Your Contacts

Periodically reviewing and updating your contact list is another useful tip for maintaining an efficient inbox. We recommend that you conduct a regular review of your contact list, aiming to declutter and streamline your communication network. Remove contacts that are no longer relevant, such as outdated professional connections or individuals with whom you no longer interact.

Identify and categorize contacts based on their significance. Prioritize those who play a crucial role in your personal or professional life. This categorization helps in focusing on meaningful connections while minimizing the noise from less relevant contacts.

You can utilize the features provided by your email platform to manage and organize your contacts effectively. Explore options such as grouping, tagging, or creating specific lists to tailor your communication experience.

Consider implementing a systematic approach, such as conducting a quarterly or semi-annual contact review. Regular maintenance ensures that your contact list remains dynamic and aligned with your current communication needs.

11. Utilize Email Aliases

Next, leveraging email aliases is another practical strategy for better organization and control over your inbox. Take time to explore the email alias feature provided by your email service.

This feature allows you to create alternative email addresses that still funnel into your primary inbox. It's a powerful tool for categorizing and identifying the source of incoming emails.

You can create aliases based on the purpose or context of your communication. For example, you can have an alias for online shopping, one for newsletters, and another for professional networking. This segmentation enables you to filter and manage emails more effectively.

Utilize aliases when signing up for online services or subscriptions. Instead of providing your primary email, use an alias specific to that service. This not only helps you track the origin of emails but also simplifies the process of unsubscribing or filtering messages.

Once again, regularly review and manage your aliases based on their relevance. If you no longer need an alias or find it receiving too much clutter, consider deactivating or reassigning it to maintain a well-organized inbox.

12. Educate Yourself on Phishing

Understanding and recognizing phishing tactics is also fundamental to maintaining a secure online presence. It's worthwhile to familiarize yourself with common phishing tactics.

Phishing emails often employ urgency, fear, or enticing offers to manipulate recipients. Be wary of unexpected messages requesting sensitive information or immediate action.

Always verify the legitimacy of unexpected emails. Check the sender's email address for inconsistencies or variations. Legitimate organizations typically use official email domains, so be cautious if the address seems suspicious.

Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unfamiliar or suspicious emails. Hover over links to preview the destination URL before clicking. If in are uncertain, check the legitimacy of the email with the supposed sender through another communication channel.

It helps to educate yourself regularly on evolving phishing techniques. Stay informed about new tactics and be proactive in adopting security measures, such as enabling two-factor authentication, to fortify your defenses.

13. Update Your Email Client

It's also a smart idea to regularly update your email client, so as to enhance security and access the latest features. Be sure to stay informed about available updates for your email client. Most email platforms release updates to:

  • Address security vulnerabilities
  • Improve performance
  • Introduce new functionalities

You can enable automatic updates if your email client offers this feature. This ensures that you receive the latest patches and enhancements without manual intervention. Set a reminder to check that automatic updates are active if needed.

Regularly check for updates manually if automatic updates are not available. Navigate to your email client's settings or help section to find the update option. Follow the prompts to initiate the update process.

The bottom line is that you should prioritize updating your email client promptly after a new version is released. Delaying updates may expose your email client to potential security risks that the latest patches address.

14. Investigate Email Authentication

Investigating email authentication methods, such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, is a powerful strategy to fortify your inbox against unwanted and potentially harmful emails. These authentication protocols play specific roles in enhancing the security of your email communications. Let's explore this point further:

Blocking Email Spoofing

Sender Policy Framework (SPF) enables you to specify which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain.

By implementing SPF, you establish a protective barrier against email spoofing, where unauthorized sources mimic your domain. This, in turn, significantly reduces the chances of receiving deceptive or fraudulent emails.

Ensuring Email Content Integrity

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) adds a digital signature to your outgoing emails, confirming that the content has remained intact during transmission.

This verification ensures the integrity of your emails, making it harder for attackers to manipulate or tamper with the content. As a result, your inbox is shielded from potentially harmful emails with altered or malicious content.

Establishing Authentication Policies

Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) combines the strengths of SPF and DKIM, allowing you to set policies for handling emails that fail authentication checks.

By defining these policies, you exert greater control over the fate of such emails. This reduces the likelihood of unauthorized or suspicious messages reaching your inbox. This proactive approach significantly contributes to a more secure and organized email environment.

15. Safeguard Your Personal Information

Last but not least, prioritizing the protection of your personal information is a strategic move to reduce unwanted emails. Avoid sharing sensitive details, such as passwords or financial information, through email channels. By refraining from including confidential data in your emails, you minimize the risk of attracting phishing attempts and unauthorized access.

Consider the role of encrypted communication methods in reducing the vulnerability to unwanted emails. Opting for platforms with end-to-end encryption adds an extra layer of security, ensuring that your sensitive information remains inaccessible to unauthorized parties. This not only fortifies your privacy but acts as a deterrent against potential spammers and phishing schemes.

By actively guarding your personal information in your email communications, you proactively contribute to a more secure environment. This helps with reducing the avenues through which unwanted emails may infiltrate your inbox.

Streamline Your Inbox with Mailstrom

Now, if you are reading this blog post, it's likely that you are struggling to maintain a clean and organized inbox. Here at Mailstrom, we're your ally in conquering email overload.

Mailstrom is a web-based email client designed to empower users to take bulk actions on their inboxes seamlessly. Whether you're using Gmail, Outlook, AOL, iCloud, or other popular email services, we're is here to revolutionize your email management experience.

Connecting with Mailstrom

When you connect your email to Mailstrom, you unlock a suite of powerful features. Mailstrom downloads essential information about your email messages, such as subject lines and metadata, ensuring a comprehensive overview of your inbox.

With access to your email contents, Mailstrom enables you to take bulk actions like deleting, archiving, and moving messages in batches of hundreds or thousands.

Compatibility Across Email Platforms

Wondering if Mailstrom works with your email provider? The answer is yes! Whether you're using Yahoo! Mail, Microsoft, Exchange accounts,,, or, Mailstrom seamlessly integrates with these platforms. For Microsoft Exchange server users, ensure IMAP is enabled for a seamless connection.

Unlock the Power of Mailstrom

With Mailstrom, the benefits extend beyond a clutter-free inbox. Subscribers enjoy continuous loading of their mail, unlimited actions (delete, archive, move, and block), and access to exclusive power features like creating custom rules, delaying emails with "Chill," automatically expiring stale emails with "Expire," and the ability to add up to 20 email addresses to your account, depending on your chosen plan.

Free Trial and Subscriptions

We offer a free trial to all users without the need for a credit card, providing a snapshot of your inbox and allowing you to take action on 25% of your messages. Subscribers, however, gain access to continuous mail loading and unlimited actions, ensuring an ongoing solution to email overload.

How to Stop Unwanted Emails

In the pursuit of a clutter-free and stress-free inbox, mastering the art of email management is essential. With these 15 actionable tips for stopping unwanted emails, you now possess a comprehensive guide to regain control over your digital space. From enabling spam filters to utilizing email aliases, each tip serves as a strategic tool for how to stop unwanted emails.

However, the true game-changer in this quest is Mailstrom. We offer a seamless solution, allowing you to take bulk actions effortlessly and maintain an organized inbox with unparalleled ease.

To embark on this transformative journey, start your free trial today-no credit card required. Unsubscribe, block, and tailor your email space with Mailstrom's intuitive tools, and witness the liberation of your inbox from the shackles of unwanted emails.