How to Increase Your Email Marketing Database: A Complete Guide

There's no denying the powerful impact email marketing possesses with a 4,400% ROI. This means email marketers can expect to see a return on investment of $44 for each dollar spent on email marketing campaigns.

But managing an email marketing list isn't always an easy task. Not only do you have to work to build up your email marketing database, but you also have to work to maintain it over time. This includes finding ways to help boost your email lists to increase engagement.

To learn more about ways to boost your email marketing database, keep reading below to discover further information.

Create Engaging Email Content

The first step to helping boost your email marketing database is to offer email content that has value. Content that is informative or entertaining will help you retain your current email list subscribers long-term.

Email newsletters that provide value to subscribers can take it one step further to help attract potential new subscribers. With the Forward option available on most email platforms, current subscribers can easily send emails to their friends and family that they think will enjoy reading this content.

Once the recipients of these forwarded emails read your content, they will likely also want to subscribe to your email list. This is a great way to build your email marketing list.

Utilize Multiple Signup Points

To boost your email marketing database, you must be strategic about getting people to sign up. Your focus should be on making your email list signup accessible from multiple points so there will be no question as to where potential subscribers can sign up.

For example, your email signup should be readily available on your landing page and several other areas on your website. It should also be present on your social media pages and your blog posts.

Incorporate elements like pop-ups, slide-ins, and inline forms. These strategies encourage website and social media visitors to sign up which can help boost your email lists.

Optimize Your Landing Pages to Boost Your Email Marketing Database

Optimized landing pages are the key to conversion rate improvement. By specifically creating a landing page for email signups, you can better convince potential subscribers to sign up. An optimized landing page provides a seamless experience for site visitors to learn more about your brand and your email marketing list.

Your landing page should detail the benefits and value subscribing to your email list has to offer them. Be sure to use persuasive copy and enticing visuals to attract attention. You will also want to use a CTA that speaks to your target audience and compels them to enter their email address as a result.

Offer Incentives and Promotions

Incentives and promotions are a great way to get more leads on your email marketing lists. For incentives, this involves offering special items that are only accessible to email subscribers. Some examples of incentives include:

  • eBooks
  • Whitepapers
  • Webinars
  • Workshops
  • Video Tutorials
  • Case Studies
  • Exclusive Interviews

When you offer email subscriber-exclusive content, it helps drive email subscription rates.

Likewise, offering promotional discounts for email signups can also boost your email marketing database. These promotional discounts could be for a percentage off of a service you offer or for online merchandise.

With incentives and promotions, people will see that your email newsletters aren't just junk email clogging up their inboxes.

Create Giveaways and Contests

Consumers love to win free stuff. If you're trying to promote a brand and build your email marketing database, you can use this to your advantage.

Running giveaways and contests on your pages is a terrific way to gain exposure. It's also a great way to build interest in subscribing to your email lists. By requiring a valid email address to signup for a contest entry, you can build your email lists with new leads.

Your giveaway items should align with your brand's target audience. For example, for a fitness-based brand, you should focus on items related to health and fitness like meal prep kits and fitness trackers. For a fashion and beauty brand, you might give away skincare sets and makeup palettes.

Adapt Your Emails for Mobile Use

In the modern era, people are always on the move. Having technology that fits in their palm helps them stay updated on the world around them. Over 80% of smartphone users check their emails regularly on their mobile devices.

Emails that can't be easily read or interacted with on mobile devices will reflect poorly on your brand. This also goes for tablet users. Not only will it detract people from wanting to sign up with your email lists, but it can also lead to a massive exodus of unsubscribes.

You must ensure that your emails and your signup portals are easily readable and accessible on mobile devices and tablets.

Partner With Influencers

Partnering with influencers is a smart and effective way to tap into an established target demographic. This can lead to higher conversion rates. It's another way to create a more organic reach and growth for your email marketing database.

Influencer marketing relies on using authentic content from trusted influencer profiles to help you gain credibility. Their recommendations and personal content can help you enhance your email subscriptionsfor the better. You'll have content that is more relatable, appealing, and engaging.

Just make sure that the influencers you choose for your email marketing align with your brand's values and your target audience. You can potentially develop long-term partnerships with influencers to maintain long-term growth.

Focus on Social Media Promotion

Social media is, by far, one of the best ways to increase your email marketing databases. With over 4.8 billion social media users worldwide, social media platforms allow you to get your marketing out there in a big way.

Social media lets you target specific demographics. It encourages interaction and engagement with brands through likes, shares, and follows. When you share content, such as posts detailing the benefits of joining your email marketing list, this content can be shared with a vast audience.

You'll have more eyes on your brand with each share. This will then lead to an increase in your email marketing database.

Establish Referral Programs

One of the best ways to expand your email marketing database is by tapping into your existing email list subscribers. That's the beauty of having an email referral program. For each successful email referral, a subscriber completes to friends and family, they can receive special rewards or premium content.

A referral program can help build more organic growth. You're utilizing your current subscribers to do the legwork of recruitment for you so it's a cost-effective method for building your email lists. You're also having your current email list subscribers vouch for your service which creates more trust.

Provide Unsubscribe Options

The ultimate goal of email marketing is to get more subscribers. But if subscribers on your current email lists want to unsubscribe, that's okay too. You should always have some form of unsubscribe option within your email lists.

Allowing subscribers to unsubscribe from email lists offers transparency. You're not tricking or trapping them into staying with you indefinitely by hiding your unsubscribe option.

It also helps you free up your email lists so that you only have the most current and engaged subscribers in your email marketing database. This way you can focus your efforts on targeting and maintaining the most up-to-date subscribers on your email lists.

Implement Social Proof

Social proof refers to the psychological aspect of people relying on the opinions of others to help them make their decisions. One way consumers do this is by reading other customer reviews.

If you include social proof like customer reviews attached to your email marketing, it shows that you have a positive impact on your subscribers. You can also include other elements of social proof like:

  • Testimonials
  • Number of current subscribers
  • User-Generated Content
  • Social Media Engagement Stats
  • Ratings
  • Awards and Recognitions

All of these elements of social proof show that your email marketing list offers value to your current subscribers. It helps build up your reputation. This, in turn, will attract others to want to subscribe to your email marketing database.

Ensure Information Compliance and Data Transparency

Freely giving out their email and any other personal data and information may be difficult for some people if they aren't sure how it will be used.

Potential email subscribers need to have peace of mind when sharing their personal information. That's why you must always detail and communicate with subscribers how their personal information will be used.

Stipulate that the data collected for subscribing to email lists follows all of the necessary data privacy regulations. You will also need to verify with email list subscribers that any data you collect complies with the European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Take Charge of Your Email Marketing Databases With Mailstrom Today

There are many wonderful ways you can help increase your email marketing database. An organized email marketing list is the dream of every email user. If you're tired of spam and junk mail clogging up your email inbox, you need Mailstrom.

Mailstrom can help you take charge of your email cleanup needs. Our innovative software features one-click blocking and unsubscribing options to banish junk and spam mail with ease. With a clean email inbox, you'll be able to focus on more important tasks.

Contact us today or try a free trial of our Mailstrom software for yourself on our website.